You ask yourself, what is the subject of insurance doing here?
You receive quotations from various suppliers, as well as dealers or consumers, they even purchase pipe connection parts directly abroad - you consistently compare prices and delivery conditions and opt for the obviously most favorable offer. Everything done right?
Did you know that - in the event of a claim - you are held accountable for being responsible for the goods in accordance with the Product Liability Act? Rely on Euroflansch! Do not buy somewhere and certainly not something!
Insist on quality, reliability and safety - our flanges are worth more than the price you pay for them - because the economic future of a company decides in the worst case where the goods were sourced. Euroflansch has as manufacturer an extended product liability of R+V.
The basic cover amount of the contract amounts to 10,000,000.00 EUR for the business and environmental liability insurance per insured event. As further security for you - our customers are reinsured by Creditreform and R+V. Nothing would be worse if, in difficult times, the failure of a customer would jeopardize your deliveries due to a financial loss. You see, the subject of insurance is important!
Again, you can count on us!